Michelle Hext

About success…

October 29, 2024

If I were to be hit by a bus tomorrow, here’s the one thing I want you to know about creating success. It’s ugly before it’s elegant. ALL-0F-IT. Your branding. Your offers. Your systems. Your content. Your Revenue. Your coaching. ALL-OF-IT. People like us are always striving, right? We’re “here” and we want to be “there”. And…once we’re there, we’re already focused on…

Michelle Hext

Think of all the ways you’re FORCING things in your business.

October 29, 2024

Think of all the ways you’re forcing things in your business, and even in your life. I’m sure you’re exhausted, I know I was. We get caught in patterns that once felt good but no longer do and yet, we keep grinding away because it’s what we’ve always done and we don’t question it. Or we do but we push those thoughts to…

michelle hext

The pull to blog again!

October 29, 2024

I’m guilty of nostalgia at the best of times but lately, I’ve been feeling a strong pull towards writing, and in particular blogging, for the pure joy of it, just like I did back in the early 2000s when really, that was all we had available to us and before social media strategy was even a thing. We quite literally had no strategy!…