Think of all the ways you’re FORCING things in your business.
Think of all the ways you’re forcing things in your business, and even in your life. I’m sure you’re exhausted, I know I was.
We get caught in patterns that once felt good but no longer do and yet, we keep grinding away because it’s what we’ve always done and we don’t question it. Or we do but we push those thoughts to the back of our minds because they’re inconvenient. We’re already exhausted and we don’t have the capacity for change and the upheaval change can bring.
So on we push, becoming increasingly frustrated and frantic because “nothing is working” when once before, those very same actions DID work.
And still, we cling to the familiar even though it’s making us miserable AND the results we’re achieving are a fraction of what they once were.
Now you’re staring down the barrel of impending doom and you become stuck, you couldn’t make a move if you wanted to because every move you’ve made in recent history failed. Your ego is battered and bruised and you don’t know if you have it in you to try again.
But you do…the same way as before…cue more failure…more accumulated damage to your ego. It’s an absolute shitshow now and you’re at a loss, you’re pretty sure this is rock bottom.
Why yes? Because rock bottom is where you need to go before you get serious about change you most likely KNOW you need to make.
Those failures, false starts and wrong turns were guidance, redirections, and hints from the big U that you’re off path and that there is something SO BIG waiting for you on the other side of change, that you can barely fathom it.
Old ways don’t create new levels of success.
Working harder, pushing and forcing only do the exact opposite of what it is you’re trying to achieve.
I’m in my era of ease and automation but it’s only because I stopped fighting for my old way of doing things, forcing them to “work dammit”.
I’m in my ease era because I asked myself one simple question.
“What do you need?”
I needed to put myself first because what DID I need?
It felt like such a loving question to ask myself and it felt good.
I knew it wasn’t more exhaustion, more failure, more more MORE!
I knew it was less.
First, I needed to get serious about healing my childhood trauma so I could release my need for MORE. This was surprisingly painless because I have been “doing the work” for years, a weekend devoted to healing and releasing was all it took. That and some painful honesty about the impact of my childhood and those responsible. I stopped making excuses for other people and let myself feel the pain of not being enough for them and accepting that this would never change. Realising I was capable of giving myself everything I thought I needed from someone else.
I needed a path of least resistance.
I needed less not more.
I decided I would build my next level with 80% energetics and 20% strategy and actual doing, not the other way around.
2023 was my highest earning year ever but I can’t say I enjoyed it.
The first 1/3 of 2024 was breaking my 2023 records.
And then it all stopped and I was brought to my knees because I couldn’t figure out what was wrong and why, despite all of my efforts, I couldn’t make it right again.
ALL self-created of course because I NEEDED that to invite the healing.
The healing opened my eyes to WHY I worked the way I worked and also why it was no longer working for me.
It led me to the question “What do you need?” and I was honest with myself for a change about what I ACTUALLY needed.
I needed to STOP everything and reevaluate.
I needed to clean house, metaphorically and literally (I have donated and thrown away a truckload of “stuff) and create a fresh slate.
So I did.
And you couldn’t force me to go back to my old ways for all the money in the world.
Not shocking, October is shaping up to be a record month.
Now that I’m fully aligned and lit up, those SAME strategies I was executing before (but lacking faith and/or patience in AND subconsciously not wanting to work) are now working beautifully.
My model is now very simple.
Ads > FEMPIRE Builders > Scale
My private work will come to an end sometime in 2025.
Think about this model for a second.
Ads > FEMPIRE Builders > Scale
Running ads directly to my membership means there is no need for email nurture sequences.
I’ve eliminated ALL excess.
I serve my members in FEMPIRE Builders and give them the tools they need to create the same ease through automation (including ads).
ALL I need to focus on is creating the best ads on the planet and scaling them.
I have ONE JOB when it comes to marketing…ads.
Posts like this one, my YouTube channel…are NOT required, but I do them because I love to create, NOT because I have to in order to make a sale.
It feels SO CLEAN and fabulous.
The fact FEMPIRE is $27 a month also lights me up SO MUCH.
I’m generous by nature and it feels good to build a community that benefits from my 30+ years in the industry and 20+ years online.
This is MY path of least resistance.
What’s yours?
I’d love to hear in the comments.
M x