Make THIS YEAR the year you take your coaching business all the way!

You want more than a fully booked coaching business.
You want an online enterprise built to scale.
Hosted by Michelle Hext
[S.H.E Mastermind is currently closed for enrolment]
12 months from now, EVERYTHING in your life and business can be transformed for the it's time to stop's time to go ALL IN on your desire to make a difference and a sh!load of money too.
Are you ready to level up and become a world-class, globally successful, highly paid specialist (niche) high-ticket business coach (or consultant)?
If the answer is yes AND your goal over the next 12 months is to scale your business so you can maximise your impact and earning potential, you might want to read on because this program is the only program on the market that will take you from zero to scale within 12 months…all the while earning BIG money.
You'll be building, growing and scaling your high ticket empire in real-time under the expert guidance of 7+ Figure High Ticket Offer Launch & Scale Strategist Michelle Hext.

Before we continue... I need to keep this real and be fully transparent about this industry.
The harsh reality is that most coaches are you've probably already noticed, there are coaches….and there are coaches you pay & pay attention want to be the latter.
In an online world filled with an ever-increasing amount of coaches in a rapidly expanding industry, it might surprise you to know that very few coaches ever make enough money to support themselves from their coaching business alone.
Before we go on, here’s a quick snapshot of the online coaching & education industry.
- This is expected to be a $1 TRILLION USD Industry in 2027 (up from $15 Billion in 2019).
- Globally the number of coaches grew by 33% between 2016 and 2020 alone.
- There are roughly 5M coaches throughout the world.
- The coaching industry has been touted as being the second-fastest-growing sector in the world, growing at 6.7% annually.
- The demand for coaching is trending upwards at 5.4%
- The stats tell us that globally, the average coach earns $47,100 USD.
Let’s talk about that “average” for a moment, shall we?
I’ve been working as a coach since 1991 and with coaches for close to 2.5 decades, and my estimation, after having worked with and mentored thousands of coaches, is this:
- Less than 3 in 10 coaches earn $50K, and less than 2 in 10 make six figures or above.
- Most coaches aren’t making enough money to support themselves exclusively via their coaching business.
- Most coaches have zero strategy for launching and growing a sustainable business.
- Most coaches simply don't know how to run a profitable business.
- Most coaches don't know how to generate leads or market their businesses.
This doesn't need to be you!
[S.H.E Mastermind is currently closed for enrolment]

Getting back to two types of coaches…those who are either part of the underearning pack and those who are leading the pack…what’s the difference? I’ll explain this to you in the simplest way I know how.
This program is going to teach you how to become the INFLUENTIAL Coach on the right who earns the big bucks, is always in demand and gets to work with the very best clients out there on the way to SCALING your online enteprise.
INVISIBLE COACHES[Part of the pack]
No niche or speciality.
Undercharging and attracting low quality cilents
Not enough clients to support them.
Wrong types of clients [usually hard work].
No significant lead generation process [or any at all].
Selling hours for dollars.
Not confident they can deliver a result [think any success is a fluke they can't replicate].
Don't invest in themselves or their business.
No specific business model or growth strategy.
Treat business like a hobby.
See being fully booked as success.
Have to work hard to find clients every month.
Everything screams DIY / Amateur.
Specialists in their field or niche.
Charge premium prices and attract premium clients.
Are always in demand.
Attract high-quality clients who take responsibility for their success.
Lead automation in place to always be attracting a steady stream of high-quality leads and clients.
Sell outcomes / results, not hours.
100% confident in what their work and the value they provide.
Continually investing in their personal growth and the growth of their business.
Strategic with how they run and grow their business.
Take their business and its sustained growth seriously.
See scaling to leverage their time and expertise and continued growth as success.
Clients find them...they don't chase clients.
Every touch point of their business is professional.
Under my guidance, you can and will become an influential and highly paid specialist coach from the launch of your very first offer.
I want you to know that any coach can break free of the pack and make a name for themselves as a prominent and influential high-ticket specialist coach charging premium prices for premium results from day one.
I want you to know that I can show you how to come out of the gate strong, whether you’re just starting or if you’ve found yourself in the pack and struggling but know you have what it takes to make this work for you….if you just had the right guidance.
While learning the skills of coaching and mentoring are important, most of the clients I work with in this space already have natural coaching skills and expertise that becomes eroded when they try to force themselves to follow a specific coaching model they believe should override their natural tendencies. This is a big mistake.
The main focus of these courses is on developing coaching skills and not on marketing and making money. Any business or marketing material is rudimentary and often lacks practicality or up-to-date practices. In my experience, many amazing coaches go unused because they don't know how to get clients in any real practical sense.
These programs also expect students to coach anyone and everyone for free to get some “experience”, and this immediately sets up a dynamic that is innately flawed because people who invest are invested. People who don't are not. Period. You will provide ZERO free coaching on this program because you will be 100% confident in your offers and your ability to deliver them...and charge a premium price for those results.
I plan to teach you both… how to become highly effective at delivering incredible results that blow your clients away [and also build your reputation] and how to market your offers and make money.
I care deeply about you, the coach and I also care deeply about your clients. It’s my job to ensure you are providing the highest quality experience for your client; in fact, I consider the success of your clients my greatest success.
There has never been a program like this one that takes you from a standing start (or a stalled start) all the way through to a highly scaled, highly successful, high-ticket enterprise.
[S.H.E Mastermind is currently closed for enrolment]
I highly recommend Michelle! Gosh what have I accomplished?
I have created facebook ads and funnels that convert, something that I have wanted to do for a long while now. I knew the strategy but it was the ‘doing’ and pushing myself through my beliefs and staying the course that was the hardest part.
Michelle is a fantastic strategist but she is also a great mindset coach who will challenge your beliefs and help you push past them.
Being a mindset coach myself I truly take my hat off for her. She is the master!
I believe everyone needs a coach. Lol we are all coaches but boy do we need someone to keep us accountable! We are all human at the end of the day and Michelle totally lives what she teaches. So tap into her mindset and attitude! That is gold!
The results?
I sold a high ticket program that more than covered the cost of Michelle’s program.
I now have a working funnel I can replicate and use for selling any program.
But most important of all, I know so much more about myself.
I realised the reason I failed in the past in getting any traction is because of ‘shiny object syndrome’ but Michelle held me firmly to our strategy and this is how I got there in the end.
Being an entrepreneur requires you to become super laser-focused.
Refuse to even entertain any other strategy or method until you maximise and scale the strategy that is working for YOU.
There are millions of ways things can work but if you have something that works for you, please stick with it and scale it, this is aa lesson I had to learn repeatedly and thanks to Michelle it stuck because she really pushed me here.
Life as an entrepreneur is supposed to get easier and easier. Don’t think it’s about working harder and harder. This is something I teach to my clients but now I truly understand it.
So if you are ready to take your business to the next level and yourself to the next level of thinking, go and work with Michelle!
Thanks Michelle!
Melody Lee – Breakthrough Coach

Melody Lee | Mindset Coach, Melody Lee

COACHING SKILLS TRAINING: You’ll have all of the skills and experience you need based on YOUR strengths to ensure you always get great results for your premium clients. If you're already a trained coach, you can choose to bypass this section.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Confident coaches are successful coaches. It’s important that you work on YOU and your confidence so you feel bulletproof and ready to make a bold entrance.
BUSINESS EDUCATION: I teach you how to choose the correct business model for your personality and goals but every coach will develop a business built to scale over 12 months so you can reach more clients and make more money than you’ll ever be able to make one-to-one coaching.
MARKETING EDUCATION: Being a great coach and having an incredible offer is important, but if you have no one TO coach you have a problem. It’s important you get your name out there in a big, bold way and I’ll be teaching you how to do this based on your market, your offer and your personality.
ONGOING EDUCATION: I continually raise the bar in my company and I'm always investing, trying and testing new things. My Masterminders get the inside scoop on what's working. I regularly host bonus workshops for the group sharing new strategies etc
HIGH-LEVEL PEER MASTERMIND: Nobody is going to understand the journey you’re on like other people walking the same path. You’ll belong to a high-level peer group that will support you, cheer for you, keep you accountable and encourage you to level up. You rise together. Lifelong relationships will be formed.
Let's talk about the program itself....
During ORIENTATION, I'll be explaining the exact path you'll be taking on this journey, taking care of logistics and getting you ready to dive into the FOUNDATIONS section.
In the FOUNDATIONS phase, I introduce THE CONFIDENT COACH FORMULA which will set you up for long-lasting, epic success from the very beginning.
Get ready to become a world-class high-ticket coach. In this section, you'll learn the art and skill of effective coaching so you can deliver incredibly high-level results for your clients and know how to help them navigate change and the resistance they'll inevitably face as they chase big goals.
It's time to make some money! PHASE ONE or the launch phase is broken down into 3 parts. Create Your High Ticket Offer, Create Your Delivery Framework, SELL your offer.
PHASE TWO is where you begin to leverage your time and expertise via high ticket group offers like Masterminds and group coaching programs. This is where we dial up the money-making and perfect things ahead of the next phase.
PHASE THREE is the longest and most exciting phase of the program. This is where we dive into taking your business all the way. It's in this phase that you'll develop your online academy, membership program or similar so you can maximise your earning ability without having to work any harder (in fact usually a lot less hard!).
GROW THE CEO - This is where you take the leap from Solopreneur to CEO so you can effectively lead your team for higher profitability and less day to day grind.
While I'm calling this Phase Four, this process actually starts the moment you're ready to take on your team.
Every step of the way you'll also be working on...
an integral part of your success
When you're embarking on something big and pushing up against your edge, your mind will play tricks on you. You'll find yourself upper-limiting, sabotaging and avoiding (just to name a few).
Having someone to guide you in these moments is priceless.
"Being a mindset coach myself, I truly take my hat off to her. She is the master!" Melody Lee - Coach
Every month you'll be honing your skills as an influential leader online, delivering content that attracts your dream clients and further establishing your position as a world-class expert.
"Hi, Michelle!
Glad I found you; it sounds like what you offer is what I am looking for 🙂
I’ll be joining the upcoming webinar - looking forward to learning more!" - Sarah - COACH (Insta DM)
The 3 areas of growth we're focused on are REACH [growing your audience], REVENUE [smashing your financial targets every month] and MASTERY [becoming the master of your craft].
"I have too much to say about how amazing Michelle is. As Covid hit, my business I lost huge amounts of money in adventure tourism. I saw Michelle online and loved her brand; we spoke, and she screamed credibility. I'm already at least 2x on my return, and we are literally just even starting.". Jason - COACH
[S.H.E Mastermind is currently closed for enrolment]
Hands down the best thing I EVER did for myself and for my business was start working with Michelle!
I came into Michelle’s program as a complete start up coach, I had no clients, no niche and had no idea how to run a coaching business!
6 months later and here are some of the things I’ve accomplished:
I identified my niche as a Food Relationship Coach.
I have created and branded a high ticket coaching program specific to my clients needs that I am 100% confident in.
I now have the ability to coach my clients with complete confidence.
I designed and built a website!!
I developed a lead magnet and funnel I know my potential clients love.
I know how to run Facebook ads and generate leads.
I now regularly have Discovery Calls booked when before this wasn’t happening at all.
I also have mastered the art of crafting killer sales pages for my programs.
I really found my voice online and now feel 100% confident in the message I share with the world.
The other important area of which I gained huge value working with Michelle was implementing everything required to build an online thriving business from all the technical components to social media, lead generation- you name it!
As far as Michelle is concerned implementation is everything and it was her encouragement and support (along with some butt kicking) that helped me to follow through on the strategies we had set out to implement.
Having a coach like Michelle to motivate and inspire me everyday has been the best investment in my business and I’m extremely thankful I connected with Michelle to make this happen.
Olivia Holgye
Food Relationship Coach
* Olivia was part of my 6 month program but S.H.E Mastermind is now 12 months long.

Olivia Holgye | Food Relationship Coach

12 MONTHS LONG: Imagine for one minute, what you can achieve in 1 year with the right support, strategy and online environment. 12 months might seem like a long time but it goes fast when you have a lot to accomplish. It takes a full 12 months to perfect and scale and I want to support you all the way.
LIVE MENTORING CALLS: There are two live calls every month. These calls are your opportunity to connect with me, seek guidance and support and an opportunity for me to keep you inspired, focused and moving forwards.
MASTERY MODULES: Each module is broken down into a handful of smaller lessons designed to keep you from feeling overwhelmed so you keep moving forwards.
PRIVATE COMMUNITY: It's important to have a community where you're able to share the journey with your peers so you will a private group to do just that.
QUARTERLY HUSTLE DAYS: Once a quarter we'll work together for the entire day getting on top of anything you've fallen behind with, get you back on track and feeling super inspired.
BONUS TRAINING: I love creating on-demand content for my Masterminders, if I haven't included something in the syllabus my humans need, all they need to do is ask, and I create it for them asap.
I also share what I'm doing in my business, sharing the projects, strategies and innovations that are working for me so my MM's can also implement them too.
While this program is comprehensive it won’t overwhelm you. You will always know what to do next and how to do it.
I keep the lessons easy to consume with a strong focus on IMPLEMENTATION because I want you to spend less time studying and more time strategically carrying out your next move.
Imagine an ENTIRE year of focused, committed attention to the needle-moving, money-making, empire-building tasks that get results.
No more spinning your more wondering what to do will ALWAYS know what to do next and how to do it.

Hi there, I'm Michelle,
For the past three decades (yes, that long), I've worked in the coaching business space. I started my first online business before the internet had even really caught on, and have ridden that wave ever since. Here's a little more about me:
I have a highly strategic brain and a knack for helping coaches become successful and after decades of coaching humans, I know how to get the very best out of my clients so they achieve big results.
I love nothing more than helping coaches and industry experts to take what they know and get it out to the world via the internet so they can help more people. By doing this I feel I'm making an even bigger impact than I could on my own.
I've trained in Martial Arts since I was 22 and hold my 5th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo. I've owned a Martial Arts School (bricks-n-mortar business) plus online fitness businesses before becoming a Results accredited coach in 1991.
I'm a mother of two grown-up kids who were my biggest teachers and who I'm immensely proud of. And I'm blessed to have a fabulous posse of girlfriends who I know have my back.
I love luxury, sweating it out at the gym, traveling, journaling every day, walks on the ocean, my online community, and spending time with the love of my life Dave (not necessarily in that order of course!).
I'm very much about doing life and business completely on my own terms and I'll always say it as it is so you never have to wonder where you stand with me. Some people like that, others don't.
Need to chat about this first?
Disclaimer: Sales figures and results listed above in our marketing material are typical for my clients who implement the strategies I teach. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors including how well you apply the lessons you've learned and how uncomfortable you're willing to get in the process of making your dreams come true.
Purchasing of any offers includes acknowledgement of my TERMS & CONDITIONS
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