Welcome to SHE Mentorship.....

My signature 6 month mentoring program.

Enrolling for August intake NOW!

Please watch the video for details & next steps.


Get excited because It’s that time again!!!!

Ambitious, Driven Coaches Wanted!!!

In August I’m going to begin working with a new (small) group of coaches who are ready to step up and firmly establish themselves as influential, premium level coaches over the next 6 months.

I’m taking expressions of interest now for my AH-MAZING mentorship program “SHE Mentorship”

This program is a mix of private mentoring, group coaching and a high-vibe community of coaches all 100% committed to and focused on growth...business growth and growth as influential, online entrepreneurs.

This 6-month mentorship is for you if you want to:

Be personally mentored by me.
Become part of a fabulous community of coaches all primed for next-level epic success.
Learn how to make the shift to high-ticket, start charging what your worth AND deliver a better quality result to your clients.
Position yourself as an influential messenger/leader on social media and leverage your position to attract opportunities for you and your business.
Develop a recurring high-ticket revenue product.
Build multiple streams of high-ticket revenue.
Nail lead generation so you have a steady stream of leads coming into your coaching business.
Hire a team to help you grow faster.
Deepen your coaching skills and become a more confident coach.

Before 2021 is over your business will be COMPLETELY transformed.

YOU will be transformed.

Imagine what that looks like for you after having me personally mentor you for 6 months.

Exciting isn’t it!?

Think about where we can take your coaching business with:





By now I’ll bet you’re thinking “this is going to be EX-PEN-SIVE”.

By now your brain is probably already saying “this is for other people…I can’t afford this”.

But you know what?

You can’t afford NOT to do this.

BUT…the good news is this isn’t a $10K p/m program.

It’s not even a $7K p/m program.

Or even at $5K p/m program.


I wanted to keep this affordable.

I wanted to be able to EASILY over-deliver and wow you all with how frik’n awesome the program is.

I want you to be thinking “this is the bargain of the century”.

I want you to EASILY get your return on investment.

So….guess what?

Your investment is only $3497 USD p/month
(Or you can save $500 if you pay in full).


Do you think I can help you sell even ONE SINGLE HIGH-TICKET PROGRAM every month?  If you do as I ask I KNOW I can.


BUT THAT’S NOT EVEN THE POINT…….this mentorship is about who you BECOME over the 6 months.

It’s about the priceless growth and expansion you will experience as a coach and as a human.

I’ll challenge you to get out of your comfort zone so you DO grow.

I’ll challenge to you remain focused on what’s important.

I’ll hold you accountable and get you OFF the bring shiny object treadmill.

I’ll also be your greatest support and cheerleader when you need it most…when you want to quit.

When I say this program isn’t for everyone this is NOT a marketing tactic…I really mean it….it isn’t for everyone because you won’t be spoon-fed.

I’ll be pushing you to tap into YOUR wisdom, YOUR strengths and helping YOU to create your High-Ticket Coaching Brand from all of the things that make YOU amazing….so it’s not "paint by numbers"….it’s not a cookie-cutter / one size fits all program....and that freaks some coaches out.

BUT for the right coach, this is perfect because you KNOW you have something special within you….you just haven’t been able to fully realise it or articulate it yet….I will help you do that…..read that again….’l will help YOU do that.

SO! Are you ready to fully step up, position yourself as a High-Ticket Coach and create a successful (and authentic) High-Ticket Coaching Brand that is scaled for even greater success year after year?

If you are then head to the page to check out details, scroll to the bottom to complete the application form so I can be satisfied this program is the right fit for you.

The program kicks off in August and I’ll be taking expressions of interest and jumping on calls with candidates until the program is full.

There are only limited places so don’t sit back…jump in and let’s get the ball rolling so you don’t miss out.

I’m SOOO bloody excited about running this program again and I hope you’ll become a part of it.

M xo